individualists synergized
by community

I always felt I was in my own lane. Even as a kid, I already knew I was different.
— Gina Charbonnet, Founder of GeChar

GeChar is a community for those seeking to harness their individual potential, together.

After years of organizing high-spirited, unforgettable events, GeChar’s Founder and Principal Gina Charbonnet has learned that happiness comes from harnessing the various energies of life’s moving parts. So she built a community impassioned to do the same.

Focused on empowerment and enlightenment, everything we say and do at GeChar seeks to ingrain you with the skills you need to manage the unexpected. We’re a community seeking new ways and mindsets for restorative power, ones that serve you and your journey.

We believe that when we change ourselves – through emotional agility, spirituality, advocacy and community - we can change the world.



Welcome, Advocateurs!

I’m Gina Charbonnet, Founder and Principal of GeChar. Over the last 20+ years, I’ve made not only a business but a mission surrounding women’s empowerment. I call it em-pow-her-ment.

When I first started working on the ESSENCE Festival’s Empowerment Experience I realized the privilege of working alongside powerful women and folks that have encouraged others to embrace their spirituality and love themselves. This had a huge impact on me. This was a turning point – my aha! moment – in how I saw myself and my potential moving forward.

It’s not just about working on projects that empower. It’s about finding inspiration. We have to start embracing the ideas we live, breathe and see in our everyday lives.

All of this is for you. For the open-hearted, spiritual seeker unsure how to harness her potential. I encourage you to start thinking bigger about who you are. I invite you to journey with me through enlightenment, purpose, wellness and fulfillment.

Let’s Consciously Move the Crowd.





this story is yours

Grounded in trust and confidence, GeChar is a source – a guide – to encourage others to become their own advocateurs.

Learn more about one-on-one coaching and mentorship from Gina Charbonnet.